Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Blog Post from Cleo of The LadyBugs

Hi I'm Cleo.  I play piano and bass and sing background vocals for The LadyBugs.  I live in Bugwood Commons with my two bulldogs, Howard and Robin.  
If you watched our latest episode of our web series, "Meet The LadyBugs!", you were introduced to a troubled spider named Paddy "Long Legs" O'Shea.  Paddy used to have an addiction to drugs and alcohol, which he's kicked since getting out of rehab.  However, he still chain smokes and uses nasal sprays too much.  
Addiction is something The LadyBugs tackle in our song "Daddy, Please Don't Drink and Drive".  In this song, a little girl just wants her Dad to stay home and read her a book instead of going to the bar to get drunk and making Mommy cry.  She is embarrassed when her father gets drunk on her birthday and falls down on her birthday cake.
Substance abuse of parents can hurt kids in a lot of ways.  For one thing, if you have an addiction, it's very hard to be a good parent.  Sometimes kids want to copy their parents and end up with addictions too.  A great movie that deals with kids and drugs is called "Thirteen".  A very talented young actress, Evan Rachel Wood, stars as 13 year old Tracy who does a lot of dangerous things just to fit in like drinking and taking drugs... .   Another great movie and book about kids and drugs is called "The Basketball Diaries" and stars the very talented, Leonardo DiCaprio.  This story is the memoir of musician, Jim Carroll, who fell in with a bad bunch of kids and ended up a heroin addict at the age of 13.  If you're afraid your kid is starting to hang out with the wrong crowd and drinking or doing drugs, why not sit down with him or her and watch these movies.  They cover pretty rough subject matter, but are an honest depiction of addiction and kids.

The LadyBugs are experts in helping parents talk to their kids about difficult topics.  Share your comments and let us know what topics would interest you.

Until next week,

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