Friday, March 29, 2013

A Blog Post from Adalia of The LadyBugs

Hi everyone!  My name is Adalia and I'm the drummer for The LadyBugs.  I live in Bugwood Commons near the other LadyBugs. I'm so excited to be writing in our new blog.  We are hoping through this blog to communicate with parents and kids and let you all know about our music and animated series.  
I'm a single mom and my daughter Condoleezza lives with me.  She is 7 years old.  I named her after a powerful woman who plays a mean piano.  
I know someday soon I'm going to have to have a talk with Condi about where babies come from.  Kids are exposed to so many sexual images at a young age these days.  The LadyBugs think it's important to try to explain those confusing images to your kids.  If you don't, someone else will and that someone else will probably be another kid.  In our song "Puppies," we compare a dog having puppies to a Mommy having a baby.  The song talks about how Mommy and Daddy like to play just like their dog, Lucy, played with the neighbor's dog, Gus.

The LadyBugs promote abstinence until adulthood.  We think an unwanted pregnancy is something kids shouldn't have to deal with and romantic relationships can be too distracting from schoolwork and planning for your future.  A great movie about teen pregnancy is called "Juno".  In this movie, a 16 year old girl gets pregnant by her boyfriend and has to decide what to do.   

The LadyBugs are experts in helping parents talk to their kids about difficult topics.  Share your comments and let us know what topics would interest you.
Until next week,

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Blog Post from Cleo of The LadyBugs

Hi I'm Cleo.  I play piano and bass and sing background vocals for The LadyBugs.  I live in Bugwood Commons with my two bulldogs, Howard and Robin.  
If you watched our latest episode of our web series, "Meet The LadyBugs!", you were introduced to a troubled spider named Paddy "Long Legs" O'Shea.  Paddy used to have an addiction to drugs and alcohol, which he's kicked since getting out of rehab.  However, he still chain smokes and uses nasal sprays too much.  
Addiction is something The LadyBugs tackle in our song "Daddy, Please Don't Drink and Drive".  In this song, a little girl just wants her Dad to stay home and read her a book instead of going to the bar to get drunk and making Mommy cry.  She is embarrassed when her father gets drunk on her birthday and falls down on her birthday cake.
Substance abuse of parents can hurt kids in a lot of ways.  For one thing, if you have an addiction, it's very hard to be a good parent.  Sometimes kids want to copy their parents and end up with addictions too.  A great movie that deals with kids and drugs is called "Thirteen".  A very talented young actress, Evan Rachel Wood, stars as 13 year old Tracy who does a lot of dangerous things just to fit in like drinking and taking drugs... .   Another great movie and book about kids and drugs is called "The Basketball Diaries" and stars the very talented, Leonardo DiCaprio.  This story is the memoir of musician, Jim Carroll, who fell in with a bad bunch of kids and ended up a heroin addict at the age of 13.  If you're afraid your kid is starting to hang out with the wrong crowd and drinking or doing drugs, why not sit down with him or her and watch these movies.  They cover pretty rough subject matter, but are an honest depiction of addiction and kids.

The LadyBugs are experts in helping parents talk to their kids about difficult topics.  Share your comments and let us know what topics would interest you.

Until next week,

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Blog Post from Nelli of The LadyBugs

 I'm Nelli.  I play guitar, keytar and xylophone and provide background vocals for The LadyBugs.  I live in Bugwood Commons, a community for bugs, near the other LadyBugs.  I live with my girlfriend Kati Didd.  
 You may have seen me being a victim of bullying in the first episode of "Meet The LadyBugs!"  That happens a lot because I have a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend.  It's really hard, but I try not to let it bother me. I know bullies are mean because they don't like themselves.  I have lots of nice friends that accept me the way I am.
The LadyBugs are experts in helping parents talk to their kids about difficult topics like bullying.  That's why we started this blog for parents and their kids.  A lot of the topics we talk about can make Moms and Dads uncomfortable, but we think you really should get over it so that you can keep your kids as safe as possible.

One of our songs, "The Creepy Man," talks about pedophiles. It lets kids know there are some really bad adults that want to hurt kids.  Well, there are a couple of movies out that parents can watch with their kids about this very subject.  One is called "Trust".  It stars the very handsome, Clive Owen, and a terrific young actress named Liana Liberato who plays his daughter, 14 year old Annie.  In this movie, Annie meets a cute boy online and falls head over heels for him.  The only problem is he's not a boy at all.  He's a grown man pretending to be a boy so he can lure Annie away from her parents.  It's a hard movie to watch, but it's important for kids to learn about bad grown ups.
I'd also like to recommend a similar movie called "Blue Car".  It stars the also very handsome, David Strathairne, and another great young actress, Agnes Bruckner.  Agnes stars as 16 year old Megan, a talented young poet.... 
Blue Car Spoiler Alert!
Megan develops a close relationship with her English teacher who she thinks has taken an interest in her talent, but he's really interested in something else.  There are some weirdos who think this is a romantic coming of age film.  Buy a young girl losing her precious virginity to a creepy old married guy is not romantic you freaks!  Sorry, I get very emotional about this topic.
I hope you check out these 2 films.  Please share your comments and let The LadyBugs know what topics you're having trouble discussing with your kids.  The LadyBugs are here to help!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Blog Post from Harmony of The LadyBugs

Hi I'm Harmony and welcome to The LadyBugs daily blog.  A little bit about me.... I live with my boyfriend, Don Hapithus.  He's a musician and goes by the stage name, Happy Cricket.  We have a son, Liverpool, who is named after the hometown of our favorite band, The Beatles.  Liverpool is a bedbug from New York City who we adopted after the infestation left so many bedbug children homeless.  I know what it is like to lose my family.  I grew up on a farm and my parents and relatives were killed be pesticides.  As a result I am a staunch advocate of organic farming.  It's much better for people and bugs.  If you buy organic produce and find a bug in it, just gently place him on your windowsill so he can find a new home.
The LadyBugs' debut album is called "Sugar is Poison" and contains a song by the same name.  It talks about how important it is for kids to eat healthy foods.  This is something The LadyBugs are very passionate about.  If you want to improve the quality of the foods you serve in your home, I recommend a book called "Real Food" by Nina Planck.  The book is an easy read and explains why processed foods are so bad for you.  Nina recommends eating food that's as close to it's original form as possible. 
What if your kids can't eat foods in their natural state because of food allergies?  Some kids have very life threatening allergies to certain foods like peanuts, eggs and dairy products.  Well, I'd like to recommend a book called "Kylie's Special Treat: A Food Allergy Fairy Tale" by Letizia Barbetta with beautiful illustrations by Wendy Sefcik.  It's a story about an artist named Kylie with severe food allergies who makes a special treat for a baking contest that will be judged by a Prince.  Does she win the contest?  Buy the book and find out.  Thanks Letizia for writing a book about this difficult topic.
The LadyBugs are experts in helping parents talk to their kids about difficult topics.  Share your comments and let us know what topics would interest you.
Until next week,

Monday, March 25, 2013

Dorothy - My First Official Blog Post

Hello and welcome to my first official blog.  I will be using this blog to let people know what is going on in my creative world. You will also be hearing from the members of The LadyBugs about a variety of books, films and other resources that deal with difficult subjects affecting kids.

As you know, I created The LadyBugs a couple of years ago.  Since then, I've released a LadyBug album, Sugar is Poison, and created an animated comedy series which is in its second season on Blip.TV.  I plan to continue the series as long as possible, so I created a survey to get feedback on what you like and don't like. Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 gift certificate.

Click here to take survey

A lot of people have asked me about animation.  If you watch the web series I animate, Meet The LadyBugs, it is pretty obvious I don't have a lot of training. :-) I actually purchased a pretty inexpensive program called Anime Studio Pro. The great thing about this program is you draw a character from various angles.  Then you animate the character by inserting and moving their bones.  It makes it much quicker and easier... and it still has that folksy look as if it was drawn by hand.  It's a little hard to get into at first, so I'd recommend checking out some great online tutorials.  One I like is hosted by Eric Moore.  He takes you step by step through the learning process on the key features you will need to create animation.  

Since creating Meet The LadyBugs, a lot of great things have happened.  I won an award for Best Screenplay (produced) at the Broad Humor Film Festival in September of 2012.  I also was invited to join the Writer's Guild of America East.  I've had the opportunity to meet some really talented writers and directors with their own web series that I'd like to share with you.

Brooklyn is in Love
If you enjoy shows like Girls and Sex and the City, check out Brooklyn is in Love by a very talented writer/director/producer, Danielle Earle. The show follows a group of twenty-somethings who are confronting the challenges we all face when life doesn't turn out the way we expected it to.  The series also features some terrific performances by talented actors, most notably, Miranda McCauley. 

Disciplinary Actions
I've also been enjoying a new web series called Disciplinary Actions directed by Tony Clomax who also co-wrote the series with its creator Dianna Smith.  She describes the series as Law and Order meets The Practice with a focus on stories of union and non-union workers.

If you're a fan of science fiction, check out Strand written and directed by Amanda Cole.  It definitely has a J.J. Abrams feel to it.  In this series, Scientist, James Roy, tries to keep daughter, Rae, safe while bringing unpredictable elements back to their hiding place. Meanwhile, his outlawed invention, an Oracle, tracks Rae in an effort to connect.

The combination of the exorbitant cost of cable, the depressed economy and television series leaning toward reality rather than the traditional written fictional shows, it's great to have these web series as an alternative option.  So next time you complain about having 700 channels with nothing to watch, check out one of these original web series.

That's all for now.  Please post comments and share my blog with anyone who might be interested.  And stay tuned for blog posts from The LadyBugs themselves!

Dorothy Wallace