Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Blog Post From Dorothy Wallace

Well it's so nice to finally have warm weather here in the NYC tri-state area.  I hope everyone enjoyed the Holidays.

I've been busy writing the next episode of Meet The LadyBugs as well as my first screenplay based on my childhood experiences.  I had started writing in Microsoft Word, but realized I needed script writing software.  I decided to splurge and purchased Final Draft, which I highly recommend.

Click here to check out Final Draft.

I'm also excited to announce The LadyBugs have submitted a theme song to the Howard Stern Show theme song competition.   It definitely sounds like The LadyBugs and not the Grungy Metal you usually hear on that show.  I will keep you posted and put the song online either way.

For fellow Howard Stern Show fans, I'd like to encourage you to check out a "Parrot-y" by William Levin called The Howard Tern Show.  The animation and writing are very funny and he did a great job including all the popular characters and bits.

Click here to check out The Howard Tern Show.

Until next time!

Dorothy Wallace
Ruby Slipper Bunion Productions

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