Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Blog Post From Harmony of The LadyBugs

Last week, our creator, Dorothy Wallace, had the privilege to appear on Tara Kennedy-Kline's podcast Stop Raising Einstein.  There is so much pressure on Moms to be perfect parents and to push their kids as hard as possible so they excel in every area possible.  Tara wants to encourage parents to accept their child's unique brilliance and let him find his own voice.

Sedating our Kids
In The LadyBugs' song Ritalin is a Gateway Drug we share a true story about a boy who was not allowed by his public school to come to class until he took mind-altering prescription drugs.  He was bored in class because he was highly intelligent and had trouble sitting still.  You might listen to the song and think it's funny.  That's okay.  The LadyBugs want you to laugh.  However, you must remember the trend of putting very young children on anti-psychotic drugs that have never been tested on children is very dangerous.  If you have friends that are having trouble dealing with their rambunctious and curious kids, why not offer to babysit for free.  Remember what Hillary Clinton said?  It Takes a Village to Raise a Child. 

Are Kids Like Dogs?
You know how much The LadyBugs love animals.  Well there are some people that think parents are over-thinking the way they raise their kids.  There's an author and dog trainer named Camilla Gray-Nelson who who thinks you should use dog training techniques when raising your kids.  Check out her book Lipstick and the Leash and find out how your kids are very similar to dogs.

The LadyBugs are experts on helping parents talk to their kids about difficult topics.  Send us your comments and let us know what topics you want us to blog about.

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