Friday, April 5, 2013

A Blog Post from Adalia of The LadyBugs

Special Kids
As you know, The LadyBugs have a song called Special Kids, which is written from the point of view of a kid who is curious about the special kids in her school.  It's so important for kids to learn empathy for other kids that are different from them.  After all, bullying comes from a lack of empathy.  There are lots of children's books that discuss kids with special needs in an engaging and educational way.  My Friend Has Down Syndrome - Let's Talk About It and My Friend Has Autism are  books that helps parents talk to their kids about accepting their friends with special needs.  A lot of kids with special needs have a different perspective than the rest of us because life is much simpler. 

Temple Grandin is a TV Movie about a woman living with Autism who accomplished great things in her life including becoming a world renowned scientist.  There are many people who were diagnosed with a cognitive disability who went on to live not only normal lives, but extraordinary lives.

The LadyBugs are experts in helping parents talk to their kids about difficult subject matter.  Leave your comments and thoughts below.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Blog Post from Cleo of The LadyBugs

Angelina Jolie - Honorary LadyBug
 As you know, The LadyBugs want kids to get a good education.  There are a lot of places in the world where this is very hard.  Especially in countries like Afghanistan, which discriminate against women and girls.

I was very excited to read that Angelina Jolie is helping to open a school for girls in Afghanistan.  The school is just outside of Kabul and offers primary level classes.  You can read more about it here in The Washington Times. I think Angelina has earned the title of "Honorary LadyBug" for her dedication to these kids.

Does your kid know what to do in an emergency?
In The LadyBugs song, Dial 9-1-1 (in an emergency), we teach kids if someone is having trouble breathing or your house is on fire, call 9-1-1 and the Police or Fire Department will come.  There have been a lot of stories in the news about a kid who is left alone with a parent or grandparent when the person has a medical emergency.  As a result of the kid knowing how to call 9-1-1, the parent or grandparent avoids death or severe injury.  Make sure your kid knows what to do in an emergency.

There a lots of books teaching kids to call 9-1-1.  One of them is called Impatient Pamela calls 9-1-1.  It has received excellent reviews from parents who said their little tikes enjoyed the book and the instructions stuck with them.

The LadyBugs are experts and helping parents talk to their kids about difficult subjects.  Leave your comments and let us know your thoughts.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Blog Post from Nelli of The LadyBugs

Stop Bullying Now!
As you know, The LadyBugs are very passionate about helping kids stand up to bullies.  The LadyBugs have all been victims of bullies.  Many of you saw me being bullied in the first episode of our web series Meet The LadyBugs! called "Break His Thumbs"

It's very important to teach kids assertiveness and self-confidence so they can stand up to bullies.  Well, there's an author named Joe the Biker who writes children's books about standing up to bullies.  One of his books is Yubbie The Fall and Rise of an Everyday Joe.  He also provides free books and information on his website 

Don't Commit Suicide
If you watched Girl's Night Out, the 3rd episode of Meet The LadyBugs you heard us perform part of our song, Don't Commit Suicide.  There aren't a lot of recording artists who tackle the subject of kids committing suicide, but we think it's really important.  Kids usually end up killing themselves after being bullied.  Make sure your kids know how important they are in your life.  Just like we say in our song When you feel like youre all alone and you just want to end it all picture your Mom and Dad crying and standing by your friends at your funeral.  

The LadyBugs are experts at helping parents talk to their kids about difficult subject matter.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Blog Post From Harmony of The LadyBugs

Last week, our creator, Dorothy Wallace, had the privilege to appear on Tara Kennedy-Kline's podcast Stop Raising Einstein.  There is so much pressure on Moms to be perfect parents and to push their kids as hard as possible so they excel in every area possible.  Tara wants to encourage parents to accept their child's unique brilliance and let him find his own voice.

Sedating our Kids
In The LadyBugs' song Ritalin is a Gateway Drug we share a true story about a boy who was not allowed by his public school to come to class until he took mind-altering prescription drugs.  He was bored in class because he was highly intelligent and had trouble sitting still.  You might listen to the song and think it's funny.  That's okay.  The LadyBugs want you to laugh.  However, you must remember the trend of putting very young children on anti-psychotic drugs that have never been tested on children is very dangerous.  If you have friends that are having trouble dealing with their rambunctious and curious kids, why not offer to babysit for free.  Remember what Hillary Clinton said?  It Takes a Village to Raise a Child. 

Are Kids Like Dogs?
You know how much The LadyBugs love animals.  Well there are some people that think parents are over-thinking the way they raise their kids.  There's an author and dog trainer named Camilla Gray-Nelson who who thinks you should use dog training techniques when raising your kids.  Check out her book Lipstick and the Leash and find out how your kids are very similar to dogs.

The LadyBugs are experts on helping parents talk to their kids about difficult topics.  Send us your comments and let us know what topics you want us to blog about.

A Blog Post From Dorothy Wallace

Well it's so nice to finally have warm weather here in the NYC tri-state area.  I hope everyone enjoyed the Holidays.

I've been busy writing the next episode of Meet The LadyBugs as well as my first screenplay based on my childhood experiences.  I had started writing in Microsoft Word, but realized I needed script writing software.  I decided to splurge and purchased Final Draft, which I highly recommend.

Click here to check out Final Draft.

I'm also excited to announce The LadyBugs have submitted a theme song to the Howard Stern Show theme song competition.   It definitely sounds like The LadyBugs and not the Grungy Metal you usually hear on that show.  I will keep you posted and put the song online either way.

For fellow Howard Stern Show fans, I'd like to encourage you to check out a "Parrot-y" by William Levin called The Howard Tern Show.  The animation and writing are very funny and he did a great job including all the popular characters and bits.

Click here to check out The Howard Tern Show.

Until next time!

Dorothy Wallace
Ruby Slipper Bunion Productions