Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bullies - Season Finale "Meet The LadyBugs!"

The Season Three finale was just posted.  The LadyBugs perform in Liverpool at The Cavern Club.  It's a dream come true for these die hard Beatles fans except for one glitch.  There's another band called The LadyBugzzz playing and our girls have to perform as The Diddy Bugs.  Lots of celebrity cameos including bullying victims confronting their bullies.  

Click Here to watch "Bullies" - Episode 3 of Season 3 "Meet The LadyBugs!"

The song, Bullies, was actually inspired by an episode of Dr. Laura on SiriusXM.  A listener wrote in with a story about a boy who was suspended from school because he saw a girl being bullied by a boy and walked over and punched the boy in the face.  The listener was proud of the kid and Dr. Laura chuckled about it.  I have to admit I'm on the fence.  Can bullies take what they dish out?  We'll never know if we just keep expecting other people to stick up for us. As a kid, I was a victim of bullying but I was also a bully.  I don't have children myself so this isn't an issue I need to deal with in my life as a parent.  Bullying is not something that goes away when you become an adult.  It's better to develop tools to deal with it when it happens.

Speaking of tools, I'm reading The Tools: 5 Tools to Help You Find Courage, Creativity, and Willpower - and inspire you to Live Life in Forward Motion by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels

It's a great book and has some great and easy to remember ideas about keeping your creative juices flowing and being your true authentic self.  I feel like my true authentic self when I'm immersed in the creative process... whether writing songs, scripts, comedy or creating animation.  It's all moving meditation.

Great news!  "Meet The LadyBugs!" is an official selection at the Miami Web Series Festival from October 2-5, 2014.  I'm looking forward to going to Miami for the first time..

 Other News
I've been writing songs for 30 years now.  I've never made a dime from it except for the $500 I got for being a contestant in the Howard Stern Show theme song contest.  That might change with my new dance tune Girls Night Out (No Boys Allowed)Studio Pros and Racquel did a great job on the recording. I've submitted it to some songwriting contests and pitches for various things.  Check it out and let me know what you think.

Until next time.

Dorothy Wallace

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